Birth Certificate in Gurgaon
Registration of Births and Deaths Act 1969 made registration of births mandatory in the country. These certificates are proof for the legal existence of an individual and a source for the data of the population. Civil registration of vital events like births, deaths, marriages, divorces and foetal deaths is a continuous, permanent and compulsory recording of the occurrence and characteristics of vital events. Birth certificates are permanent records. What is a Birth Certificate? It is one of the most important documents issued by the government that gives information about your child such as date of birth, place, gender, etc. Documents Required for Birth Certificate in Bangalore Registration slip (Provided by Hospital) Hospital Discharge paper Govt. ID of Father (Aadhaar, Voter ID etc.) Govt. ID of Mother (Aadhaar, Voter ID etc.) Affidavit for the child’s name incorporation Why Apply For Birth Certificate In Gurgaon ? Legal objective – Through registering a birth one can get...